Well, I can't seem to get this to a place where I can leave it alone yet..lol...The large driftlog I had in there is now OUT. It was covered in moldy/algae like growth so I removed it to see if that could be the source of the algae issue I have been having with this tank. I am now dosing with ferts as well as Flourish Excel liquid carbon as advised by Tom the green thumb at AquariaCentral forum that I go to often. I can't remember his user name there, but you can usually find posts by him in the freshwater aquarium plants section at that forum. It looks great at the moment because I only just finished cleaning it all out and rearranging the plants and such. We'll see how it holds up from here without that log in there. Definitely need more plants in there. I know that adding a lot of them all at once helps alot to keep the algae from becoming an issue, but I've slowly been adding some from cuttings of what I have in other tanks...at least then I can be sure I'm not bringing something into the tank that will cause problems...such as "ick" or something equally annoying.
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