3 One gallon size betta tanks...actually 4, there's another one behind the one in the center (the light is off) That one in the middle has a couple of live plants in it. I keep the maintenance up on these and they are very healthy and active. The one on the left is the first betta I ever bought...he must be about 3 years old by now and just as active as when I first brought him home.
Hi, I was just surfing and found this sight. I also have 2 1gal tanks in the bathroom. I have a white betta with red and blackThe other is a blue with white le both love being able to see one another. I just got a 10 gal tank and set it up in the living room. I have a dark maroon or redish one in that. He seems to be just exporing the vastness of his new home. They really are a lot of fun to watch my grandkids just love them too. I'm going down to the pet store to see what kind of little fish I can put in the big tank. Any suggestions?
Sure ! You can get 2 or 3 cories (corydoras)...try to find panda cories if you can, they don't get as large as the other types. You want to be careful not to overstock. Cories are some of the cutest fish too, the grandkids should love em !
Don't get any fish with flashy brightly colored fins though..like guppies...sometimes bettas mistake them for other bettas and give them a hard time.
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