What I've been up to lately.....not a whole lot.......

I added a few more things to the 29. I purchased another high fin goby. I had two previously in the 50 but both of them went carpet surfing on me. I really like those little fish so I thought I would chance another but put it in the 29 with the two firefish. I have a glass lid on the 29 and there is VERY little room for anything to flip out....soooo...here's hopin !
I also picked up an "Armor of God" zoanthid. That's it in the middle picture. A very nice zoa and the name of the coral is dear to my heart. I also traded one of my blue striped shrooms for a frag from a nonphotosynthetic gorgonian. I like the yellow color and the fact that I don't have to worry about placing it in the light. Too many things are competing for that space up top and I needed something for the lower shaded areas. This one seems to be very happy so far.....lots of polyps peeking out and scoffing up the tiny microrganisms I must have floating around in there....I have no skimmer.... I did a good cleaning and water change on the tank the other day and it's looking really nice right now !
Spent a good part of the day today doing a water change on the 50. I decided to take out 20gallons this time around. It needed a good freshening up. Right now all I have for fish in the 50 are the pair of ocellaris clowns and a yellow tail damsel. I lost the yellow watchman. I suspect that one of the heaters I had in there was no good. It looked as if some water had gotten inside it so I was probably getting a current in the tank. I really need to add to the rock in that tank and once I'm sure all is well in there I'll decide if I want to add another fish or not. I've been considering a marine betta....but, not sure if that would be a good choice or not.