Mandarin Goby

Picked up a new fish for the 50 yesturday. I've been wanting to get a mandarin for a while now. All the reports of these fish starving to death in a tank kept me from purchasing one. The 50 is very well established and absolutely crawling with pods as I've had nothing in there to eat them since I sold the 6 line wrasse 2 years ago. When I saw this fella at the store he/she was munching down $18 I thought I'd give this one a try. I took some pod filled cheato from my frag tank and stuffed a big wad behind the rock in the tank. I figure this will help as a place for the pods to breed and escape to. I also picked up some frozen bloodworms and when I put some in this morning I could see the fish behind the rock scoffing them up. I hope this's a beautiful fish....I will post another pic once it starts coming out of hiding...which I hope will be soon ! These fish are absolutely gorgeous !