Sunday, January 13, 2019

My favorite pic of the 50

Just wanted to post my favorite pic of the 50 at it's absolute "BEST".  I loved this tank when it was at this stage, but.....then I had to move it when my husband decided to put a stove in our fireplace in that room....over 10 years ago.....and it's STILL not in operation to this day....>>>>>:-\
The tank was setup right next to the fireplace we never used...and I was concerned it would get too hot there...silly me

I no longer have any reef tanks set up....right now I just have an all "fake" very cool 20 tall set up with a neon Jack Dempsey and a couple of small tetras.  That tank is set up with a plenum which seems to be working quite nicely.  I also have a 20 tall planted (with plenum) and a 15 sort of "river" tank underneath the 20 planted.  I have a female and a male betta in the river, separated with a mesh plants and black lava rock with the water from the filter trickling down the rock.  The 20 tall planted has a pair of koi marble angels and some small tetras.  

I still enjoy the hobby...just not as geeky about it these  Must be age....I got tired of lugging 5 gallon buckets of water across my kitchen and finally purchased a python.  I'm pushing 56 so I figure I earned it.  
Happy Hobby-ing folks !  ;-)