Some of the critters in my Reef

A few pics of some of the critters in my nano reef....... Love those clowns, very personable and always together. They push thier little faces right out of the water at feeding That redhead goby is a real character ! Lots of fun to watch him zipping around poking his head out of every hole he can. Always seems to want to know what's going on. The watchman is pretty cool as well. Puffs up his cheeks at the redhead once in awhile, but all in all they get along very well.
I have a couple of peppermint shrimp, hermits and various snails...also many feather worms which came as ugly bristleworm or two which occasionally make an appearance from time to time....and a zillion little brittle stars that hitched a ride in with the star polyps...all I ever see of them are thier legs poking out from the rocks at feeding time....haha....
What a fun tank ! Makes me wonder why I didn't start a sw sooner....this ain't so hard !