Updated FOWLR...now Reef

This tank has been doing extremely well so far. I've had no issues with it at all, don't have to add anything like buffers or calcium etc.... I do a water change on it every week...3-5 gallons depending on the mood I'm in and how much time I have. I don't have a skimmer so I put some filter floss over the outlet of the fuge when I blow off the rocks. After the tank clears I take out the floss, rinse it off and put it aside for the next wc. This system seems to be working very well...so far. Also, I use regular tap water...I have very soft water from my tap, with a PH of 7.8-8.2.....in the tank the PH is fairly stable at around 8.4.
A very nice fella I know who's big time into the "Frag Exchange" has graciously given me a few corals to add.... so my fowlr is now officially a reef. I have a mushroom coral, clavularia, star polyps and some polythoa zoanthids. They all seem to be doing rather well so far on my 40watt 50/50 lighting. I'd love to see what this tank looks like under actinics ...maybe someday...
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