Updated Pic of the 29 Planted

Here's my 29 now. Algae hasn't been a major problem, though I do still get a small amount of green slime algae creeping along the bottom on occasion. I've added a powerhead for more circulation and that seems to have helped quite a bit.
For stock in this tank I have:
2 angels
1 (gorgeous) male german blue ram
5 pristella tetra
2 ottos
1 striped kuhli loach
There are two filters running on it...a penguin bio-wheel 170 and another HOB that's rated for a 5-15 gallon tank. The powerhead is an Aqua-Tech 170GPH. I do water changes at least twice a week and dose with flourish excel as a carbon source. For lighting I have a 65 watt compact flourescent fixture.
The plants are doing VERY well. The water sprite is taking over...lol. I have some type of ludwigia behind that on the left along with some small java ferns behind that which I think I'll be moving up front to the right at some point. All and all I'm very pleased with this tank and enjoy it a great deal....though it does need some pruning and rearanging with the plants, but I think I'll just leave it be for now. My luck I'll stir everything up and a cause another algae bloom or something !
Very very nice what kind of angels are those and where did you get them
Those are koi angels. I bought them at an lfs near my when they were about quarter size. The larger of the two is now about 2inches from tip of nose to base of tail. Very pretty pair, though I have no idea what sex they are.
you might want to add a few more kuhili loaches, I had three for awhile then found out that they enjoy the company of others of the same species, but aren't schooling. I added three more and now I see at least two all the time swimming through the outflow of my eclipse. and around feeding time it gets nuts with six cories, six black kuhili (no sripes) and eight neon tetras.
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