Sunday, August 28, 2005


I am SOOOO excited about these little guys/gals...We just picked them up yesturday (8/27/05) and I spent the afternoon making a mess of my diningroom setting up their new home. I fixed up a divided 20long for the Citronella and the Oelemari. The little Green and Black Auratus is my daughters pick and will go in her 20 tall up in her room. Don't worry, these cuties aren't poisonous. They are captive bred....poison dart frogs get their poisons from a type of ant or beetle that they eat in the wild. I feed these guys on vitaminized fruitflies. They're just babies still and have some growing to do....but MAN are we Excited ! :-))

Friday, August 26, 2005


This is Salsa, my daughter's latest pick. Beautiful tomato red coloring. He split his caudel getting overly rambunctious in this tank. After sitting in a little bowl for who knows how long...I guess one gallon must seem like a castle !

Thursday, August 25, 2005

My daughter's Dart Frog Viverium

We've had this tank set up for a while now...just waiting for the opportunity to get some frogs. Big store wide sale this weekend, hopefully we'll come home with a few.

Monday, August 15, 2005

5 Gallon River Tank

This tank has a platform with moss and plants. There is a female betta in the water and 2 red bellied newts on the platform. The newts never go in the water. I feed them fd tubifex worms and live black worms.

Mint Chocolate Betta

This fella I call "Chocolate Boy"'s more like a mint chocolate with those green highlights. Very pretty...found at PetSmart

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Lots of little betta fry

This is a picture of my tank full of betta fry. I ended up with over 200 of the little was great, until I had to give them all their own little cup......For about six months I have no idea what the rest of the family was doing...but I was cleaning cups and feeding fry ! Never again until I get a proper betta barracks won't be anytime soon)

Gold Veiltail Betta

Another nice find at the same store I found Jax. I have a female that is the same color, betta spawn was enough for

Pie-Bald Marble CrownTail betta

This guy was the prettiest betta I ever bought...IMHO....named him Jaxom or Jax for short...after a favorite character in an Anne McGaffrey book series. I lost him a while back though...havne't been able to find another that's even close. Found him at a LFS and paid about 4$ for him.

One Gallon Betta Setups

3 One gallon size betta tanks...actually 4, there's another one behind the one in the center (the light is off) That one in the middle has a couple of live plants in it. I keep the maintenance up on these and they are very healthy and active. The one on the left is the first betta I ever bought...he must be about 3 years old by now and just as active as when I first brought him home.

German Blue Ram and Panda Cory

My ram checking out the new neighbor. I love these little cories. I've since moved them to my B&W tank since the rams weren't being very neighborly. (Check my August archives for a pic of the Black and White's neat !)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

10 gallon divided betta tank

A 10 gallon divided up for bettas. I was finally able to reclaim it for my bettas after having had to clean it out and set it up for some blue ram juvies.
I have a mini penguin bio-wheel in the far left compartment and a box filter in the compartment on the far right. The sponge filter in one of the middle sections is being seeded for another tank. I like this setup because there are no live plants, I use only two incandescent lights. I have no algae to deal with in this tank so far as the filtration is more than adequate. I have concerns for the plants because they are plastic, but so far the betta are managing ok with seriously torn fins...yet anyway. I used them because I happen to have them laying around and didn't want to spend a bunch more on silk. This is a nice, no frills, easy to maintain tank....good for a betta enthusiast who wants LOTS of bettas but doen't want to clean LOTS of
Oh, one mention....the compartment with the filter in it may be too turbulant for bettas....right now I have a male ram in there...serious spat with the spouse while caring for fry..thought I would save his life and give them both a don't know if I'll be able to put him back in with the ole lady until the fry are out of there...(he's from my 20long planted)

Divided 5 gallon planted betta tank

This tank has Echo-Complete substrate for planted tanks. Two male betta and one female in the compartment with the filter. Her smaller fins make it easier to put up with the current. I make these dividers myself from plastic canvas and binder clips. They are siliconed to the side of the tank and come out pretty easy when I need to clean them. I am using a mini whisper filter in this tank...and a 25watt heater. I dose every day with Excel.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

20 long planted

This tank I set up for a bonded pair of german blue rams that I had raised from fry. The only other occupants in this tank are 3 otocinclus to keep the plants clean of algae. This tank is still a work in progress....needs alot more plants....but the rams seem happy enough as they are now raising thier first brood of fry.

My 29 planted tank

This tank has been setup since Christmas 2004. I have made a few changes over time, but this is the latest layout. Definitly needs more plants....

2 neon dwarf gourami
1 bonded pair of german blue rams
3 otocinclus

amazon sword
water sprite
small amount of java moss

Dose with Flourish Excel daily
plant fertilizer tabs at the base of the swords and aponogetons

penguin bio-wheel 170
100watt heater
65watts 6700K compact flourescent lighting

My 15 Gallon Black and White Tank

Here is a 15 gallon setup that I recently put together. Everything in this tank is fake except the will be adding some more of the HB guppies as soon as the fry grow to an appropriate size. Keeping the inhabitants color coordinated with the tank decor. So far, so good!

1 pair of half black pastel guppies
1 female gold guppy
2 panda cories