10 gallon tank for the multis.....for now

Finally I have sold off the halfblack pastel guppy fry (kept 5 for myself)... and setup the fry tank for the multis. Both the Brevis and the Multis are much happier with the added elbow room. I'm still on the lookout for a 15 for these folks....already there are a couple of multi fry swimming around. I had 5 fry before the move, but so far since I have only seen 2. They're taking up residence underneath the tofa rock there. These fish are the easiest to move ! They dart right into their shells the second your hand comes in the tank...just grab a shell, put it in a dish with water and bring it over to the new tank ! Can't get any easier than that !
The tank setup isn't the best I can come up with, but it'll do for now. I kept the bag of gravel in the tank until the substrate gets a good colony of bacteria growing. When I get rid of that I'll be able to do a little more with the layout. The filter is already cycled..same one I used while the guppies were in there.