Updated Pic of the 29 Planted

Here's my 29 now. Algae hasn't been a major problem, though I do still get a small amount of green slime algae creeping along the bottom on occasion. I've added a powerhead for more circulation and that seems to have helped quite a bit.
For stock in this tank I have:
2 angels
1 (gorgeous) male german blue ram
5 pristella tetra
2 ottos
1 striped kuhli loach
There are two filters running on it...a penguin bio-wheel 170 and another HOB that's rated for a 5-15 gallon tank. The powerhead is an Aqua-Tech 170GPH. I do water changes at least twice a week and dose with flourish excel as a carbon source. For lighting I have a 65 watt compact flourescent fixture.
The plants are doing VERY well. The water sprite is taking over...lol. I have some type of ludwigia behind that on the left along with some small java ferns behind that which I think I'll be moving up front to the right at some point. All and all I'm very pleased with this tank and enjoy it a great deal....though it does need some pruning and rearanging with the plants, but I think I'll just leave it be for now. My luck I'll stir everything up and a cause another algae bloom or something !