Update of the 29planted community

It's been awhile since I posted a pic of this tank....so thought I would update. Everything is going very well and I'm very happy with it. It's been setup since the beginning of 2004 (I think) and has gone through one issue or another...mostly algae. It's finally gotten to a place where there's little fuss with it at all. I change out about 10+ gallons a week and half the time I don't even need to wipe down the glass. When I do, it's for very minimal green spot algae. I dose with flourish excel every couple of days...or maybe just a few times a week, with a dose of flourish traces after a water change. That's it !
VERY happy with this tank !
VERY pretty\cool!!! I plan to redo mine now too.....someday....need money as well......Im replacing my 29 gallon....its bowed :(
what livestock do you have?
In the 29 community I have:
one gold marble angel
one pair of german blue rams
5 pristella tetra
one khulie loach
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Also, what are your plants?
jungle val
water sprite
anubia nana
water lotus
java ferns
just out of curiosity, what happend to your other angel?
It came down with something, don't know what...and I lost it. Too bad, it was a beautiful koi...
Yaay a few days ago, I got a koi angel for my 29G and its happy....sorry to hear about your angel.
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