Update pic of the 29 Reef

I'm really liking this tank ! I tossed in a few new corals and am presently looking around for a used 65 gallon tank so that I can put the 15 and the 29 together into one tank. It's the largest tank I can fit into the corner where the two are now. I just put some new bulbs in the light fixture and what a difference ! I like to just sit and watch it when I can......MUCH better than the stupid TV !!
I agree with you! I started watching my tank instead of the TV, and then sold the TV and used the money to buy more fish stuff!
(I added a link to your blog to my blog.)
While I wouldnt go that far....I spend ALOT of money on my aquariums....I want to start a 10G nano SW setup.....I also need ANOTHER 10 G to put the fish from the 29 G im tearing down to redo with new fish
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